On Friday, 1 December 2017 15:33:30 CET Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 7:34 AM, Hubert Kario <hka...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > > It does feel like again the argument is The CA/EE should say 'I won't do
> > 
> > X'
> > 
> > > so that a client won't accept a signature if the CA does X, except it
> > > doesn't change the security properties at all if the CA/EE does actually
> > 
> > do
> > 
> > > X, and the only places it does affect the security properties are either
> > > already addressed (e.g. digitalSignature EKU) or themselves not
> > > protected
> > > by the proposed mechanism.
> > 
> > a). I think you're talking about Key Usage, not Extended Key Usage
> > b). digitalSignature is a Key Usage, not Extended Key Usage bit
> > c). Extended Key Usage has only one flag for use in TLS - serverAuth -
> > which
> > doesn't say anything about applicability of the key for SKE signature but
> > not
> > RSA key exchange
> > d). show me the clients that actually honour the Key Usage flags for TLS
> > in a
> > way that prevents use of certificate with rsaEncryption SPKI for RSA key
> > exchange
> > 
> > so, yes, I'm afraid that you "must be missing something"
> So while we started off in disagreement, it sounds like we have cycled back
> to the view that RSA-PSS-params, if present, should be memcmp() able
> (between SPKI and Signature and between Signature and Policy)
> So the only thing that we're debating here is whether or not expressing
> RSA-PSS in the SPKI (at all) is a good thing.
> The view in favor of this is:
> - Because CAs have made a complete mess of the existing rsaEncryption + KU
> , clients don't check KU for rsaEncryption (Notably, they do check KU for
> ECDSA because that's necessary to distinguish from ECDH)
> - If a certificate is encoded with rsaEncryption, it's possible for a
> server to use it both with TLS 1.2 RSA PKCS#1v1.5 ciphersuites and TLS 1.3
> RSA-PSS ciphersuites
> - If used with TLS 1.2 RSA PKCS#1v1.5 ciphersuites, it's possible that the
> implementation may be buggy and subject to Bleichenbacher
> - And expressing (via the SPKI OID) is an 'effective' way to prevent that
> downgrade, which itself is only a risk if you're using a buggy
> implementation.
> Is that accurate?


> To offset that risk, the goal is to use the SPKI algorithm as the signal to
> 'do not downgrade algorithms' (in this case, from PSS to PKCS#1v1.5).
> This, despite the fact that SPKI parsing does not correctly work on any
> platform

rejecting what you do not understand (iOS, Android) is completely valid and 
expected behaviour - e.g. NSS server still won't use (at all) RSA-PSS keys 
imported from PKCS#12 file...

>   - Windows and NSS both apply DER-like BER parsers and do not strictly
> reject (Postel's principle, despite Postel-was-wrong)

NSS did till very recently reject them, OpenSSL 1.0.2 still rejects them 
(probably even 1.1.0), are you certain that Windows doesn't reject 
certificates with SPKI with RSA-PSS OID? I mean, you _need_ additional code to 
know that the public key for OID rsaEncryption and rsassaPss is formatted in 
one and the same way... If you don't don't have that code, it looks like 
completely different key type (think EdDSA or ECDSA for RSA-only 

>   - macOS and iOS reject unrecognized SPKIs as weak keys
>   - Android supports PSS-signatures but a provider for decoding said public
> keys is not provided by default
> Are there any other arguments in favor of the PSS-SPKI not captured here?

there is a remote chance that RSA-PSS with non-zero salts is strictly more 
secure (unforgeable) than PKCS#1 v1.5, but for the sake of argument let's say 
that what you said is the primary and only argument for RSA-PSS OID in SPKI

so no, there aren't other arguments
> I think that we agree on the substance of the PSS implementation - Must Be
> Memcmp-able - makes many of the client complexity concerns. The deployment
> complexity concerns are unavoidable - few clients support RSA-PSS in part
> because of the disaster than is RFC 4055 - but that's a deployment concern,
> not an implementation concern.
> As it relates to what changes this means for NSS:
> - Strictly enforcing (memcmp)ing the accepted parameters that NSS accepts
>   - That means NSS should NOT support arbitrary salt lengths, as doing so
> adds flexibility at the cost of maintainability and security
>   - This resolves the DER-like BER decoding
> - Strictly enforcing the KU for RSA-PSS (which it improperly enforces KUs
> on keys today already, but hopefully RSA-PSS has not been ruined)
> Is that correct?

yes, fine by me

and fine for NSS too, if that changes don't have to be implemented in next 
month or two, but have to be implemented before NSS with final TLS 1.3 version 
Hubert Kario
Senior Quality Engineer, QE BaseOS Security team
Web: www.cz.redhat.com
Red Hat Czech s.r.o., Purkyňova 115, 612 00  Brno, Czech Republic

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