Ryan Sleevi <r...@sleevi.com> writes:

>I similarly suspect you’re unaware of https://wicg.github.io/cors-rfc1918/ in
>which browsers seek to limit or restrict communication to such devices?

A... blog post?  Not sure what that is, it's labelled "A Collection of
Interesting Ideas", stashed on Github under the WICG's repository?  No, for
some inexplicable reason I seem to have missed that one.  Is there a "Beware
of the Leopard" sign somewhere?

It talks a lot about details of CORS, but I'm not sure what it says about
allowing secure HTTPS to devices at RFC 1918 addresses.  The doc says "we
propose a mitigation against these kinds of attacks that would require
internal devices to explicitly opt-in to requests from the public internet",
which indicates it's targeted at something altogether different.

>while also acknowledging that you have not kept up with the state of the
>industry for the past near-decade of improvements or enhancements

If the industry actually publicised some of this stuff rather than posting
articles with names like "A Collection of Interesting Ideas" to GitHub (which
in any case doesn't look like it actually addresses the problem) then I might
have kept up with it a bit more.  And as I've already pointed out, given the
number of vendors who are resorting to slipping in their own root CAs and
other tricks, I'm not the only one who's missing all these well-hidden
industry solutions.

>>  HTTPS to device with non-FQDN: ???
>>  HTTPS to device with static IP address: ???
>I suspect any answer such as “Don’t do this” or “This is intentionally not
>supported” will be met by you as “impractical”.

Try me.  The reason why I ruled out "negotiate a custom deal with a commercial
CA" is that it genuinely doesn't scale, you can't expect 10,000, 50,000,
100,000 (whatever the number is) device vendors to all cut a special deal with
a commercial/public/whatever CA just to allow a browser to talk to their $30
Internet-connected whatsit.

It's a simple enough question, so I'll repeat it again, a vendor selling some
sort of Internet-connected device that needs to be administered via HTTP (i.e.
using a browser), a printer, router, HVAC unit, whatever you like, wants to
add encryption to the connection.  How should they do this for the fairly
common scenarios of:

    HTTPS to device on local network (e.g. RFC 1918).
    HTTPS to device with non-FQDN.
    HTTPS to device with static IP address.

What's the recommended BCP for a vendor to allow browser-based HTTPS access
for these scenarios?  I'm genuinely curious.  And please publish the
recommendation so others can follow it (not on GitHub labelled "A Collection
of Interesting Ideas").

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