On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 4:22 PM, Ryan Sleevi <r...@sleevi.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 4:11 PM, Eric Mill via dev-security-policy <
> dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
>> That said, GlobalSign's offer to cut certificate lifetimes down to X
>> months
>> during the short-term, and to make sure OneClick is disabled within Y
>> months from now, seems like a reasonable compromise that doesn't undercut
>> the incentive for GlobalSign or their customers to rapidly transition to
>> more secure methods. It seems like there should be a value of X and Y that
>> are acceptable.
> There are a lot of factors to consider, as I tried to highlight, that
> contribute to whether or not X can be > 0 and whether Y can be > 0 (e.g. no
> issuance, immediate discontinuance) at all. That is, these additional
> factors beyond the protocol itself inherently contribute to whether or not
> there is a generalizable answer. Factors such as ecosystem impact versus
> ecosystem risk, existing practices that can be used as mitigating factors,
> the level of trust necessary to ascribe to the issuing CA (and the steps
> that are taken to mitigate failures of that trust) - all influence that
> calculus.

I can only go on what's on the public list, but if it is as it appears and
GS proactively researched their offering, identified a similar weakness via
a separate BR method, and voluntarily turned off their implementation right
away, that is the kind of activity I would think Mozilla and Google would
want to encourage (and not accidentally penalize). An X of 3 months (90
days) and a Y that resembled Let's Encrypt's deprecation timeline, might
help offer a lifeline without introducing unacceptable risk.

I understand that there are other factors, including the level of review
the protocol has been subject to and a holistic consideration of
GlobalSign's infrastructure and history, including non-public information,
and I'm not saying it would be necessarily unfair to keep GS' OneClick
offline for shared hosts. But I do think that incentivizing proactive
security interventions on the part of CAs is another factor worth

-- Eric

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