A certificate issued by GlobalSign showed up in CT today with a notBefore date 
of March 21, 2018 and a notAfter date of April 23, 2021, a validity period of 
~1129 days (more than three years).


CA/B Forum ballot 193 modified the Baseline Requirements to set a maximum 
validity period of 825 days for certificates issued after March 1, 2018.

While the BRs do not appear to have any rules about forward-dating 
certificates, Mozilla’s CA Forbidden or Problematic Practices say:

> Certificates do not contain an issue timestamp, so it is not possible to be 
> certain when they were issued. The notBefore date is the start of the 
> certificate's validity range, and is set by the CA. It should be a reasonable 
> reflection of the date on which the certificate was issued. Minor tweaking 
> for technical compatibility reasons is accepted, but backdating certificates 
> in order to avoid some deadline or code-enforced restriction is not.


This incident makes me think that two changes should be made:

1) The Root Store Policy should explicitly ban forward and back-dating the 
notBefore date.
2) Firefox should implement a technical check to enforce the validity period so 
that issuance practices like this do not impact users (see 

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