On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 3:49 PM, Wayne Thayer <wtha...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> As an alternative to requiring newly-issued subCA Certificates to be
> listed in the relevant CP/CPS prior to issuing certificates, would it be
> reasonable for Mozilla to require the Certificate Policies extension in
> these certificates to contain a URL pointing to the relevant policy
> document(s)? I believe that most subCA certificates already contain this
> information.
> Section of the BRs states that the
certificatePolicies:policyQualifiers:qualifier:cPSuri for a subCA
certificate should contain a pointer to the **root** CA's policies. If this
is correct, then my proposal doesn't solve the problem of requiring
disclosure of the policies that a new subordinate CA certificate is
operating under.

In theory, we could also permit three options - add the new subCA
> certificate to the relevant CP/CPS, include a Certificate Policies pointer,
> or publish an attestation, but I'd prefer a single, consistent mechanism
> that allows a relying party to determine which policies apply.
> Based on the feedback so far, none of these options is desirable. I
propose that we only make the change to section 5.3.2 of the Mozilla policy
that clarifies the audit requirements for new subCA certificates, as

If the subordinate CA has a currently valid audit report at the time of
> creation of the certificate, it MUST appear on the subordinate CA's next
> periodic audit reports.

- Wayne
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