KIR recently misissued another (pre-)certificate with an organizationName
field containing too many characters [1]. This is despite being given
specific guidance earlier in this thread on the organizationName attribute
[2]. I have requested a new incident report in the bug [3].

A pre-certificate was logged but the OCSP status is reported as "unknown",
so I assume that KIR detected this prior to signing the certificate. If so,
I find it particularly troubling that KIR decided not to report this, and
that after 3 months they still have no commitment from their vendor to
implement pre-issuance linting [4].

- Wayne


On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 8:16 AM Grabowski Piotr <>

> Hello,
> My comments in blue.
> ------------------------------
> *Od:* Ryan Sleevi <>
> *Wysłane:* czwartek, 11 października 2018 04:53
> *Do:* Grabowski Piotr
> *DW:* Wayne Thayer; mozilla-dev-security-policy
> *Temat:* Re: Odp.: Odp.: 46 Certificates issued with BR violations (KIR)
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 4:33 PM Grabowski Piotr via dev-security-policy <
>> wrote:
>> Hello Wayne,
>> - Is the new dual control process documented in a manner that will be
>> auditable by your external auditors?
>>   Yes, the new dual control process is already included in the document
>> called instruction of the security of system Szafir (internal name of the
>> PKI system)       and it is one of the document that is presented to
>> internal and external auditors.
> Has this been added to your CP/CPS? If not, why not?
> -in our CP/CPS we have already the statement that key functions require
> dual control
> Can you please detail the additional controls that were specified?
>> - Despite the review, is it possible for one malicious employee to modify
>> a policy template by themselves? If not, why not?
>> It is impossible. CAO role is one of the most trusted role so it has to
>> have physical access to datacenter room,   dedicated domain
>>  credentials, smartcard (PIN) with certificate to login to CAO application
>> module.
> This does not seem to describe why it is impossible. The description of
> controls here reads that it is possible for a CAO to do so, if malicious,
> and you merely trust the CAO to not be malicious.
> Yes, but you have in mind that the CAO roles are playing only by very big
> experience and experience (about 20 years) - these persons were building
> the system, so
> we can trust them.
> - Have you conducted an overall review of your practices looking for other
>> areas where a human error can result in misissuance? If so, what   did you
>> find and how are you addressing it?
>>   Yes, we have conducted an overall review and  have not found any other
>> areas where a human error can result in misissuance.
> Put differently: Have you completed an examination of the controls in
> place to ensure that any and all configuration changes that may result in a
> change to the operation of the CA undergoes multi-party review prior to and
> following implementation, to ensure consistency with the CP and CPS?
> Are there any operations that may modify any state within the CA software,
> hardware, or operating environment that does not undergo multi-party review
> prior and following?
> If so, what are those operations.
> Every other key functions/operations require dual control. Here I mean all
> staring/ reconfiguration/ upgrade and so on.
> If not, what are the operations that you have considered and enumerated as
> requiring multi-party review prior to and following the modification?
>> - Why, despite the numerous misissuances documented on this list, has KIR
>> not even begun the process of implementing pre-issuance linting   until now?
>>   We have started process of implementing pre-issuance linting just after
>> your email pointing our misissuance. We have requested pre-issuance
>>  linting     functionality/patch with high priority from Verizon.
> This does not answer the question. It states that you have begun the
> request, but it does not provide insight as to why you had not previously
> done so.
>> - Why is KIR not performing post-issuance linting? This problem had been
>> occurring for over a year and there are readily available tools  (
>> that allow anyone to identify these problems.
>>   We will implement post-issuance linting as well.
> We were not aware about this misissuance. We have received the
> notification about misissuance in October this year and immediately
> started
> fixing the problem. So far no one was reporting to us that there is
> something wrong with any of our certificates.
> This indicates what you will do, but does not answer why you didn't do.
> Part of the post-mortem process is to understand what issues may have
> existed, given the readily available nature of the tool and the discussions
> on m.d.s.p. regarding other CAs.
> The same as above. Additionally we have contacted the customers and we are
> in the proccess of replacement of these certificates.
> For example, perhaps the CA did not have adequate staffing to ensure
> participation in m.d.s.p. Perhaps the CA team did not have adequate
> training to recognize the similarities and/or value in such.
> The expectations upon CAs will continue to increase, and the question is
> why did KIR S.A. not increase operational oversight in line with those
> increased expectations, which would have allowed better detection and
> prevention. It is positive to hear steps are being taken now to address it,
> but it's reasonable to question why steps weren't taken then, when this was
> a knowable and identified best practice and minimum expectation of CAs.
> KIR is subject to an annual audit of WebTrust compliance and so far the
> audit has not revealed any irregularities in the management of the CA.
> [image: logo]
> Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa S.A., zarejestrowana w Sądzie Rejonowym dla m.
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