On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 11:38 PM Jakob Bohm via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> On 07/03/2019 23:02, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> > Do you believe there is new information or insight you’re providing from
> > the last time this was discussed and decided?

> I took care not to state what decisions should be made, merely to
> summarize the issues in a clear and seemingly non-controversial way,
> trying to be inclusive of the opinions stated by all sides.

These issues have already been decided. Neither the previous posting, nor
this, adds any new information or value to the discussion. The answers have
been provided by Module Owners and Peers previously, as to the questions
that you believe need answered, as I just demonstrated. There is no need to
pose or summarize them as somehow unanswered questions - a cursory
examination, as demonstrated, reveals they have been discussed, debated,
and decided.

If you believe there is significantly new information that merits
revisiting, the burden is on you to demonstrate that and contextualize it
to see how it compares to the past conversation. However, at present,
attempting to simply repeat questions that have already been answered, as
if to prompt new debate, is not only unproductive - it's actively

This thread should end here.
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