Ok do I'm not sure if it's appropriate that I message on this, I'm just a 
citizen, but one who has personally seen and noticed fake certificates and most 
definitely ones that were "man in the middle attack" certificates. I know these 
are old discussions do I'm assuming by now you all have seen the flat out bogus 
certificates that are clearly serious to the point that I know for a fact 
caused many security breeches. Now, like I said I'm no expert, but technically 
I'm getting all of this and figured out what certificates were the past year 
and noticed a good amount that were empty in the field , negative oreven no 
number at all or out of date , and duplicated. Now, this is my question. Has 
the teknotronic certifica still dealing havoc, or is someone doing something 
about it? I find it amazing that I'm understanding this whole conversation 
which makes me realize further that I definitely need to start my cyber 
security degree asap. I personally have seen the havok that these certificates 
can do when they aren't ligitimate. This stuff is like my passion I see and 
understand how important this all is in order to keep governments safe and top 
secret information, secret. Please give me some information on what is bring 
done and what I can do as far as schooling, (cyber security degree?) In order 
to do this kind of work. Like I said, I believe it's so important and might be 
one of the most important things going on with this technology that we have 
now. Thank you and sorry if I am innapropriate in writing this, but I'd love to 
hear from experts on what has been done and maybe even understand why I had 155 
roots on my last phone that half were not legitimate. Maybe it would help me 
either validate my fears and help to put it to rest or even completely make me 
feel more safe knowing that someone is aware, watching and atleast trying to 
sqaush what they can of it. Thank you I look forward to a response from someone 
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