In my recent forays into mass-revocation for key compromise, one aspect that
was particularly frustrating and unnecessary was having to send revocation
requests for new certificates, issued by a CA using a private key which I
had previously reported as compromised to that same CA.  Once a key is
compromised, it's never going to get *less* compromised, so there is no
reason why a CA should ever be issuing another certificate using that same
key.  Also, the requirement to revoke all certificates with a compromised
private key, regardless of whether a given certificate is explicitly listed
in a certificate problem report, does not appear to be clear.  Finally, CAs
appear to have a variety of interpretations of the start time of the 24 hour
period in which revocation must be completed, and so I thought I'd include a
small change for that.

Thus, I would like to propose that either Mozilla Policy, or (preferably)
the Baseline Requirements be amended to prohibit issuance of a certificate
where the CA has previously revoked a certificate using the same key, and to
clarify that all certificates using a compromised key are subject to

If such a modification were deemed appropriate for the BRs, I would suggest
that the following changes would fit the bill.  All sections, etc taken from
version 1.6.7 of the BRs.

Step 1: add a new section 4.2.3 (pushing down the existing 4.2.3 to be
4.2.4, because RFC3647 says that "Finally, this subcomponent sets a time
limit", which I assume means that the time limit section needs to be last),
worded something like this:

> In accordance with Section 5.5.2, the CA SHALL maintain an internal
> database of all Public Keys contained in Certificates which have been
> revoked due to the CA obtaining evidence of Key Compromise.  This
> requirement exists regardless of the revocation reason (if any) published
> in Certificate status information.
> The CA SHALL NOT issue a Certificate containing a Public Key which the CA
> has previously recorded as having been used in a Certificate revoked due
> to the CA obtaining evidence of Key Compromise.

I know that Section 5.5.2 only requires storage of records for seven years;
I figure if someone's going to hold onto a compromised private key for seven
years just so they can bring it out for another cert, then they've earned
the right to get their cert revoked again.  Requiring CAs to maintain a list
of keys in perpetuity may be considered an overly onerous burden.

Step 2: Replace the existing text of section 4.9.12 with something like the

> In the event that the CA obtains evidence of Key Compromise, all
> Certificates issued by the CA which contain the compromised key MUST be
> revoked as per the requirements of Section, including the time
> period requirements therein, even if no Certificate Problem Report for a
> given Certificate has been received by the CA.

In a perfect world, this sentence wouldn't be necessary, because
doesn't say that the certificate has to be revoked if a problem report comes
in alleging key compromise, but since CAs don't appear to have interpreted in that way, we may as well use 4.9.12 for a good purpose and
clarify the situation.

Step 3: Insert a new paragraph at the end of section, with the
following contents (or a reasonable facsimile thereof):

> The time periods specified in this Section SHALL BE measured from the time
> that the communication which requests, notifies, makes the CA aware,
> provides evidence which the CA later deems valid, or as otherwise
> described above, is first received by a system or person acting on the
> CA's behalf for the receipt of such communications.

I know that's a phat sentence, but I wanted to try and get all the
circumstances in there, to prevent another round of "BUT BUT BUT" in the
future.  Essentially, what I'm trying to get across is, "once it hits your
MTA or phone tree, the clock starts ticking".  No leaving a problem report
in the inbox over the weekend and then claiming that they didn't "obtain
evidence" until monday morning.

... and that's about it.  Please tear my wording, rationale, and choice of
font to pieces as you see fit.

- Matt

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