Thanks for the additional context, Ben. Given the comment that you linked to, 
it appears that there’s a possibility that Mozilla will support sharded CRLs 
and that there may be logic included in the CRLLite crawler to timeout and 
remove the issuing CA from the crawler configuration if CRL-fetching times out.


I have a few follow-up questions and concerns:

1.      As we know from the list of Problem Reporting Mechanisms produced from 
CCADB, the information provided by CAs is on a “best-effort” basis that carries 
no obligation by the CA to timely respond to requests if the Mechanism is not 
listed in section 1.5.2 of their CPS. What policy changes will be formulated to 
obligate the CA to provide accurate URL pointers in CCADB where CRL-based 
revocation information can be found for end-entity certificates that have no 
CRLDP extension?
2.      What are the expectations regarding availability for such revocation 
information? Do the availability requirements in BR 4.10.2 stand for these CRLs 
even if such CRL pointers are not encoded in end-entity certificates?
3.      Is the JSON-based sharding specification acceptable by the other Root 
Programs, or will CAs be required to produce complete CRLs for consumption by 
other Root Programs?
4.      Given that CRLLite is not used in Thunderbird, it appears that the 
scope of disclosure is only for those CAs that are capable of TLS certificate 
issuance. Is this a correct assumption?





From: Ben Wilson <> 
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2020 6:14 PM
To: Ryan Hurst <>; Corey Bonnell 
Cc: Mozilla <>
Subject: Re: CCADB Proposal: Add field called Full CRL Issued By This CA


FWIW - Here is a recent post on this issue from JC Jones -  


On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 4:00 PM Ryan Hurst via dev-security-policy 
<> > wrote:

On Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 8:26:50 PM UTC-8, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 7:57 PM Ryan Hurst via dev-security-policy < 
> <> > 
> wrote: 
> > Kathleen, 
> > 
> > This introduces an interesting question, how might Mozilla want to see 
> > partial CRLs be discoverable? Of course, they are pointed to by the 
> > associated CRLdp but is there a need for a manifest of these CRL shards 
> > that can be picked up by CCADB? 
> >
> What's the use case for sharding a CRL when there's no CDP in the issued 
> certificates and the primary downloader is root stores?

I think there may be some confusion. In my response to Kathleen's mail I stated 
" Of course, they are pointed to by the associated CRLdp", as such I am not 
suggesting there is a value to sharded/partitioned CRLs if not referenced by 
the CRLdp.

The origin of my question is that as I remember the requirements, CAs do not 
have to produce a full and complete CRL. Specifically today, I believe they are 
allowed to produce partitioned CRLs, this is good because in some cases a full 
and complete CRL can be gigabytes in size. I assume the reason for adding the 
URL to a full, and I imagine complete, CRL is that Mozilla would like to use 
this information in its CRLLite feature.

If so, and a CA partitions CRLs and does not produce a full and complete CRL 
how should the CA ensure Mozilla has the entire set of information it wants?

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