Nelson Bolyard wrote:
By default, it is still the old single-process cert8 and key3 DBs,
as before.

However, FF 3.5 has the code to support shared-access cert9 and key4 DBs,
based on sqlite3.  You can force FF 3.5 to use that by setting an
environment variable.

My understanding is that is you start FF *once* with the setting enabled for the new db format, the base will be converted, and then it will use the new format every time after that point, without any special setting.

Maybe even you could externally convert the base, and Fx will use the new format the next time it starts ?

An annoying limitation is that the certificate file *must* be in the profile directory, there's no way to set an absolute path, so it's still hard to use it as a multi-application db.

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