Collin Jackson wrote:
If you want to make a module that prevents history sniffing completely
against specific sites and avoids assuming the user never interacts
with a bad site, you could have a CSP module that allows a server to
specify whether its history entries can be treated as visited by other
origins. Sites concerned about user privacy would then have control
over whether other sites could detect that they've been visited. A
similar module could be used for cross-origin cache loads to address
timing attacks.

Collin Jackson wrote:
I put together a brief description of the history module proposal on the wiki:

The threat model of HistoryModule, as currently defined, seems to be precisely the threat model that would be addressed by a similar module implementing a per-origin cache partitioning scheme to defeat history timing attacks.

If these are to be kept as separate modules, then perhaps the threat model should be more tightly scoped, and directive names should be specific to the features they enable?

I like the idea of modularizing CSP.

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