On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 7:02 AM, Patrick Walton <pcwal...@mozilla.com>wrote:

> So I agree that we must not make architectural decisions that make it
> difficult to implement Web features. But I do think that Web compat is
> useful, because it helps us to identify the parallel hazards and know where
> we stand in terms of the Web of today, which helps us answer the big
> questions that Servo set out to answer.

That's a good point, but Acid3, and to a lesser extent Acid2, are about
testing edge cases and the presence of obscure features. I don't think they
tell you anything significant about parallelism in the mass of pages on the
Web. No single page can, but Acid3 is probably even worse than picking a
page at random. You'd be much better off picking, say, a Wikipedia page
(which I know you've done!) or the HTML5 single-page spec.

Otherwise, we don't know whether the parallel gains that we are getting
> will scale up to real-world usage, or whether we're only getting them
> because we don't implement the difficult features.

That's a good point too, but the problem is that key parts of the Web like
GMail, Youtube, Facebook etc require so much work for full support that I
don't think we draw broad conclusions until very far in the future, when it
will be far too difficult to make architectural changes. If you must
discover those conclusions earlier then we should probably piggyback some
analysis on an existing browser engine instead of doing it in Servo.

The good news is that I think CSS layout is by far the largest piece of the
Web where we have implicit parallelism that is subject to unpredictable
hazards. Other big chunks of work, like almost all DOM APIs, are either
obviously not parallelizable or obviously parallelizable.

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