On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 4:41 AM, Jack Moffitt <j...@metajack.im> wrote:

> How is this done in Gecko?

Display list analysis in the main thread.

We learn something is not visible during one of the various cullings
> of WebRender. So I guess the idea would be to have some notification
> you send when something goes from visible previously to invisible. I
> suppose there is an analog when doing flow construction that you might
> find a flow that was previously visible is now display: none.

The problem is that you want notifications ahead of time that an element is
predicted to become visible, so you can decode images/video etc hopefully
in time to render the element the moment it becomes visible.

One issue that wasn't covered in that lightning talk is that what
> happens when the video comes back into view? Decoding can only be
> started at a keyframe, so how do they resume playback?

It's implemented as a seek operation, so you decode a keyframe and then as
many frames as necessary to reach the nominal current position.

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