On 18/10/2017 22:35, Josh Matthews wrote:
I have used git bisect fewer than 5 times in the past year. I think the
absolutely minimum we should do is provide clear instructions for how to
obtain missing versions and make the Servo build system use them; it
would be nice if that didn't involve building rustc from source.

If breaking the boostrap of old commits were a proposed change I’d be all for blocking it on having such instructions. But it has already happened: many files that used to be under https://s3.amazonaws.com/rust-lang-ci/ are gone.

Anyway, some of the affected commits have a rust-toolchain or rust-nightly-date file that contains a date. You can then run something like `rustup override set nightly-2017-10-13` to get that version and tell rustup to use it when under the current directory.

Other commits however have a rust-commit-hash file, and there’s not necessarily a Nightly with that exact commit. Go to e.g. https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/commit/23de823e93dc19ef1b9cb65b48860a892cd6ff18 (or run `git show 23de823e93dc19ef1b9cb65b48860a892cd6ff18` in a local clone of the rust repo), look at the merge commit’s date, and try the next day’s nightly. (Nighties in rustup are indexed by date of publication, but are picked from the last merge before midnight, so on the previous day.)

Simon Sapin
dev-servo mailing list

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