Wan-Teh Chang wrote:
So, if the app has already initialized NSS,
you just go ahead and use NSS functions.  Else,
you have to initialize NSS (in the "no database"
mode) first, and have to shut down NSS.

This sample code assumes that this thread is
the only thread that may initialize NSS in the

This assumption is false.

As he is trying to do a Firefox extension, his code will live in the same process as the rest of NSS, therefore I think he should not go that path.

Only if you can be *absolutely* sure that your own code will run prior to any other PSM/NSS code, and only if you can be *absolutely* sure that your "special ealy code" will be completed prior to any other PSM/NSS code, you could try the approach illustrated by Wan-Teh.

If you have doubts, it's likely that there will be a race between your own code and the global PSM code, and things will fail.

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