certutil is the standard Mozilla utility to do this; but
since certutil cannot see your certificate, you should
attempt to see if the certificate is in the Windows
certificate-store (it is more likely that the cert is
there than in the Mozilla cert-store).

Two ways of verifying this:

1) a) Select Start->Run and type in certmgr.msc
   b) When the Certificate window pops-up, expand
      Personal and select Certificates.  If you see
      your certificate on the right-hand side, then
      you've found it.
   c) Select the certificate itself, and either select
      Action-> All Tasks->Export from the menu, or just
      right-click on the cert and select All Tasks->
   d) Use the wizard to export the certifcate to a
      Base64-encoded certificate in a filename of your
   e) Use certutil from the Command Prompt window (or
      the Firefox browser)to import it into NSS.

2) If you do not have certmgr.msc on your machine,

   a) Startup the Internet Explorer browser
   b) Select Tools->Internet Options from the IE men
   c) Select Content->Certificates from the panel that
   d) If you see your certificate under the Personal
      tab, you've found it
   e) Select the certificate and click on Export...
   f) Use the wizard to export the certifcate to a
      Base64-encoded certificate in a filename of your
   g) Use certutil from the Command Prompt window (or
      the Firefox browser)to import it into NSS.

Once you have the Base64-encoded certificate in a file,
you can paste it into an e-mail in this forum if you
need additional help on the certificate.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Dave Pinn wrote:
Is there a Mozilla utility with which I can attempt to import a certificate *into* my PKCS#11 module?
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