Bill Burns wrote:
> On Mar 29, 8:26 pm, Nelson Bolyard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> <snip>
>>> One error I get while attempting to authenticate to an internal site
>>> with my certificate-on-a-smartcard is this one:
>>> "Alert: An internal failure has been detected.  It not possible to
>>> complete the requested OCSP operation."
>> That error string has a name, which is "OCSPDeadlock".  I think (not
>> sure) it happens when the OCSP request is sent over an https connection
>> and the OCSP server's cert itself specifies an OCSP URL, causing
>> recursive OCSP lookup.
>> FWIW, This error code seems to no longer be present on the trunk.
> Thanks for the clarification.  The OCSP responder URL is being
> asserted in the certificate's AIA Extension which is currently set to
> "";.  I'll have to watch the network
> packets more carefully to see what Firefox is actually doing here.  If
> I see anything surprising, I'll post a followup.

One other possibility is that the cert of the OCSP responder (that is, the
cert used to verify the signature in the OCSP response itself) specifies
an AIA extension with a URI, also leading to recursive OCSP lookup.

>>> As part of my troubleshooting efforts, I noticed that I don't get this
>>> error if I start from a "clean" FireFox profile.  Any ideas on how to
>>> view and/or clear the OCSP cache in this FireFox profile.
>> FireFox does not yet have an OCSP cache.
> THAT is very interesting.  I don't know why a clean FireFox
> profile on the same box would give me a different experience (but I'm
> glad it's an error-free experience).  

Maybe OCSP is disabled in a "clean" profile?
Or maybe your test profile has a "default" OCSP responder configured,
and so is using OCSP even on certs with no AIA extension?

> I was hoping you would say that
> nuking some security-related local database would clear this
> condition.  I'll go back and see if I can reproduce this and compare
> results with my network trace to see if I can make any better guesses
> as to what's going on.

BTW, a prototype of the OCSP client cache is now present on the trunk
of NSS.  It'll be in FF3.

> I challenge anyone reading this thread to enable OCSP checking in FF
> and try surfing for a week.  It's tougher than I expected!

I run that way all the time and have rather little difficulty, but
maybe I don't visit a very diverse set of https servers.  Also, I
use nightly builds from the trunk, so I generally have the latest fixes
(and the latest bugs :(

> --
> Bill Burns, CISSP
> Producer and Co-Host of the Security Hype podcast and blog

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