Hi Anders,
Please take look at the following extension at  (s:
I have mentioned this extension in response to your comments on my 
KeyManager extension.
It my first effort in supporting XML based security protocols - XML 
based signature processing is one of the key requirements.
My ultimate goal is to implement W3C spec for XML based Key Management 
using Mozilla only code base.

Since I could not find support for W3C XML canonicalization in Mozilla 
DOM, I have used Apache XML library as a place holder for future 
implementation of XML canonicalization in Mozilla DOM.
Best Regards,

Anders Rundgren wrote:
> Hi,
> I just wonder if any of you guys could give me some input on how
> to implement an XML-based security protocol in Firefox.  To give
> you an idea of what is called for, please take a peek in:
> http://webpki.org/WASP-tutorial.pdf
> Although the document refers to a "WebSign" standards proposal, the
> scope is a larger set of related standards proposals, currently including:
> WASP: WebSigning
> WebAuth: Replacement for TLS-client-authentication
> Bounce: Secure browser redirect
> PKIProv: Replacement for KeyGen, generateCRMFrequest and Xenroll
> An initial question would be: is there any general-purpose XML support
> API in Firefox?
> WASP and WebAuth can be tested in a configuration where a local
> web-proxy is used as a signature plugin:
> http://upi-using-service.webpki.org
> (in this setup the local proxy is on the Internet to allow testing without
> downloads)
> The next step is doing this in the browser itself.  I intend to look closely
> into the many CardSpace projects that should be pretty related
> although they do not build on the MIME-trigger mechanism that is
> the common denominator for the mentioned standards proposals.
> thanx
> Anders Rundgren
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