Bruce Keats wrote, On 2007-12-10 07:58:
> I was curious about the last scenario.
> 2. The Server Side Proxy (a.k.a., Reverse Proxy)
>               Public Internet           Intranet
>   [browser]---------------------[proxy]----------[server]
>                     SSL                   plain
> In this case, does the proxy have to convert the URIs from browser as well
> as terminate the SSL connection?  

Terminate the SSL connection?  Yes.
Convert the URIs?  No.

> Specifically, does the proxy have to convert the URI from the browser
> by changing https:// to http:// to the server?

No.  An https request is simply an http request sent over SSL.
The "scheme" part of the URI (https:// or http://) is not sent.
But the proxy does need to send the requests to the http port of the
back end server.

> Does the proxy have to convert the URI from the server by changing
> http:// to https:// when going in the reverse direction?

Generally, no, for two reasons.  First: relative links don't require any
scheme, so there's no conversion to be done.  Second, the creator
of the web pages in the back end creates them so that any non-relative
links to this server use the https scheme.  In other words, the web
pages are designed with the fact in mind that the server will be
accessible only through a reverse SSL-terminating proxy.


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