Nelson Bolyard wrote:
> Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote, On 2008-02-26 15:43 PST:
>> So what prevents making sqlite3 the default database for Fx/Tb ?
> I think there are still a lot of details to be worked out.  See
> and
> for some of the
> open issues.
> Also, it doesn't make much sense to incorporate the new DBs into
> ONLY FF or ONLY TB.  The benefit comes when they both start.

There's two side of this approach I don't really agree with.

First it's easier and faster to have a step by step plan than to decide 
to do nothing unless you can get everything at once.
With the second approach, you will have a great result when you deploy, 
but you will definitively deploy a lot later (not only the intermediate 
steps will be faster, but you will get the full solution later than with 
the first approach, because you will have to integrate and solve all the 
problems at the same time, you will motivate less people to get 
involved, and you will require more full-time involvement of the 
resources to get things to happen).
Also if Fx waits for it to happen in Tb, and Tb waits for it to happen 
in Fx, it will never happen.

Second I think they probably are some gains, even if minor, to switching 
to sqlite3 other than being able to share with another app.

- The memory usage/code size front is a side where there could be gains 
: it's not easy because you need bdb to still be there somewhere to 
convert the old bases, but the code can be unloaded just after the 
application has started

- Aren't they some progress on the stability front with sqlite3 ? It's 
fully ACID, bdb is not, are we sure they are not some points where a 
crash can leave the bdb data corrupted and sqlite3 will help ?

- Outside of sharing the db, it would be a step toward enabling several 
instances to use the same profile. I know this will not happen any time 
soon, but it will be a really good thing to allow it some day, and every 
step counts.

- If the format changes and there's an option in firefox to put the db 
outside of the profile directory (like it's possible to put the mail 
file outside of it), people making an enterprise deployment and advanced 
hackers can start sharing db with the official version of 
firefox/thunderbird, even if it requires much manual tuning. Those 
people can even end up providing some experience returns when the full 
scale solution is conceived.

One thing I'll do now is to open a core/PSM bug for allowing the db to 
be outside the profile directory :-)
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