D3|\||\|!$ wrote:
I tried separately compiling the .cpp containing my server class and
the .cpp containing main() with g++. Then I tried building the object
files with g++ along with the "trace" option - this enables one to see
the order in which the files are accessed.

The output is as given below:-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] SSL]# g++ -t ssl_server_test.o ssl.o -I/root/SSL/SSL\
files/include/nss -I/root/SSL/SSL\ files/include/nspr -L/root/SSL/SSL\
files/lib -lnss3 -lnspr4 -lssl3 -lplds4 -lplc4 -lsmime3 -lsectool
ssl.o(.text+0xe88): In function `ssl::server_config_cert_dir()':
: undefined reference to `SECU_DefaultSSLDir()'
ssl.o(.text+0xea4): In function `ssl::server_config_cert_dir()':
: undefined reference to `SECU_ConfigDirectory(char const*)'
ssl.o(.text+0x144c): In function `ssl::client_init_config()':
: undefined reference to `SECU_DefaultSSLDir()'
ssl.o(.text+0x1466): In function `ssl::client_init_config()':
: undefined reference to `SECU_ConfigDirectory(char const*)'

The linker is able to access files up to libsmime3.so but not
libsectool.a - Hence the undefined reference.
Can anyone help me with this??
See my previous post. You should either build your own copy of libsecutil.a or copy the functions that you need. Also note: it appears you also need some extern "C" declarations for these two functions. Currently C++ is picking them up as C++ functions and applying name mangling (so even if you have the correct library, you would find the reference properly).

Help really needed!!
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