Pawel P wrote:
I want to overwrite default mozilla 1.9 behavior in https flow.
I want to be informed about certificates (especially bad).
I'll show my own "certificate dialogs" to user and user will decide
if accept certificate or not.

In mozilla 1.8 I used nsIBadCertListener interface to do above.
In mozilla 1.9... there is no such interface. There is nsIBadCertListener2, but it exports only one method that inform about certificate problem.
No matter what will happen in this method ssl connection will be broken.

Is there any way to change default https flow in new mozilla?

Hi Pawel,

what you see is exactly by design.

We no longer support show-error-and-continue, because experience has shown: Users will say simply OK to whatever dialog is presented.

A certificate error will cause the connection to stop.

The only workaround we offer at the embedding level is the use of nsICertOverrideService.

If you really must allow connections to servers with bad certificates, you should require your users to go through a configuration for that server. You could look at how this got implemented in Firefox (Add-Exception-Dialog).


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