I wrote:
> 2. Mozilla's trademark policy says that if you change certain things
> about Mozilla in your own build or packages, then you cannot release
> your build using Mozilla trademarks (e.g. the Firefox brand name).
> The set of trusted root CA certs is one of those things, I believe.
> See http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/certs/policy/ (last 2
> paragraphs) and
> http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/policy.html

I meant to add that I believe that this policy is the reason that
Debian calls their package of Firefox by another name, something like
IceApe or IceWeasel.  :)

I half-heartedly wish I could obtain a list of all differences between
the NSS that we release and the NSS in Debian's renamed products.
I hope there are no PRNG differences.
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