Julien R Pierre - Sun Microsystems wrote:
> Copyright owner :
> RSA security should be removed !
> Netscape/Sun/Red Hats are the original developers of most of the code. 
> But they don't hold the copyright (see GPL/LPGL/MPL licenses)

Let's not confuse licensing with copyright ownership. AFAIK Netscape, 
Sun, and Red Hat between them do hold the copyright to the vast majority 
of the NSS code. The copyright holders have all agreed to license the 
code under the Mozilla tri-license (MPL/GPL/LGPL), so people can use NSS 
under the terms of any of those three licenses. However copyright 
ownership is not affected by this.

In this connection, note that to my knowledge the Mozilla Foundation 
holds copyright to none (or at least very little) of the NSS code, 
because the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiaries (Mozilla 
Corporation, Mozilla Messaging) have never employed any full-time NSS 
developers. The rights the Mozilla Foundation has with respect to NSS 
are by virtue of the MPL/GPL/LGPL license terms.

Also, for people who are *really* interested in this question... I 
suspect that the copyright situation with regard to NSS is even more 
complicated than I've mentioned, because Netscape/AOL and Sun had a 
sort-of-joint-venture relationship (iPlanet) that IIRC involved some 
joint ownership of IP rights, and then AOL subsequently sold iPlanet 
assets (including IP assets) to Red Hat. However this doesn't change the 
basic picture with respect to licensing as far as downstream licensees 
(including Mozilla) are concerned.


Frank Hecker
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