Thanks Nelson.
Please see my in-line responses.

Nelson Bolyard wrote:
> Subrata Mazumdar wrote, On 2008-08-12 20:30:
>> I have a certificate based mutually authenticated session between the 
>> browser and a web server.
>> I would like to find out the certificate used presented by the browser 
>> using a programmatic API.
> I gather that you want to do this in the browser?
> Or is it in the server?  I'm going to assume you mean in the browser.
Yes, I meant that I wanted do it in the browser.
>> I can get the server certificate by clicking the icon at the status-bar 
>> window.
>> How do I find out the certificate used to authenticate the user?
> In the client, you're asking it to reveal a reference to the cert that
> was used to authenticate to the remote server when the connection's SSL
> session was established.  You call the NSS function:
> CERTCertificate * SSL_LocalCertificate(PRFileDesc *fd);
> passing the PRFileDesc handle for the socket that has successfully
> negotiated a connection handshake that used a client-authenticated
> SSL session.  If the socket is not in such a state, it returns NULL.
> In the server, you call the NSS function:
> CERTCertificate * SSL_PeerCertificate(PRFileDesc *fd);
> which gives you the peer's (the client's) cert or NULL.
> In both the client and the server, SSL_LocalCertificate returns
> the cert that you used to authenticate to your remote peer (if any),
> and SSL_PeerCertificate gets the cert that your remote peer used to
> authenticate to you (if any).
> Note: there is an additional function named SSL_RevealCert which is
> more or less equivalent to SSL_PeerCertificate.  PSM uses only
> SSL_PeerCertificate.
SSL_LocalCertificate() is the method that I was looking for. 
Now, my question is how do I find out the file descriptor of a cert-based 
authenticated session given that I only know the URL of the page. 
I have not gone this far yet - my I guess I should be able to figure this out
from the source code of protocol handler.  

Just a context on why I want to do this: let say I want put an icon next 
to the lock icon for server cert in the status bar for a cert-based mutually 
authenticated session. 

>> I have looked into nsIHttpAuthManager interface - it only supports 
>> password based authentication.
>> Is there a similar interface for certificate based authentication?
> If you're asking "what is a scriptable PSM interface to do that?",
> I'd say there is none.  It appears that PSM contains no code that
> calls SSL_LocalCertificate.  You might file an RFE against PSM
> about that.  PSM might have some other means of accomplishing the
> same thing.  That is unknown to me.
Yes, I am looking for a scriptable PSM interface  to find out the client 
But it is not a problem - I can write one if I can figure out how to do 
it using NSS APIs.
Actually, I am thinking of writing an interface similar to 
This new interface would would return the local cert, if there is any, 
for an URL.
I know the code exists somewhere in the Mozila code-base - but where to 
Any help/suggestion would be greatly  appreciated.


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