Ian G wrote, On 2008-12-23 05:58:

> 3.  How to resolve a dispute.  This is a Mozilla action & 
> responsibility.  Reverse-engineering and referring, I would suggest this 
> as a teaser:
>    a.  The CA certificate "module owner" at Mozilla foundation is 
> responsible.  Ref, the policy, pt 15.
>    b.  The dispute is investigated and ruled on by module owner.

For there to be a "CA certificate module owner", there would have to be
a "CA certificate Module".  Presently, there is no such module.  Maybe
there should be.  As you probably know, Mozilla now has "code modules"
and "non code modules".  I think the CA certificate module would be a
non-code module.  Yeah, ultimately whatever certs are accepted by Mozilla
do get stored in NSS, but the NSS developers just abide with Mozilla's
decisions about that.  There's only ever been one real disagreement
between Mozilla and NSS about root CA certs, and that was how the whole
process we have now got started.  Since then, it's been smooth sailing.
I expect it will continue to be that for a long time.

Anyway, I would support the creation of a "CA certificate" non-code module.

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