Ian G wrote, On 2008-12-29 16:59:

> As far as I heard, the CABForum was also formed or inspired from a 
> similar group of vendors (browsers) that got together at the invite of 
> the Konqueror guy to talk about phishing one day ...

I think Mozilla's own Mr. Gervase Markham had something to do with the
transformation of the CA Forum into the CAB Forum.  Maybe he can tell us
something of that history.

> Question for now:  is the CABForum still a closed group?

My understanding is that CAB Forum is a membership organization, with
specific qualifications for members.  The qualifications are published
http://cabforum.org/forum.html (bottom of page).  There is no membership
fee (AFAIK), but members seem to be expected to take turns hosting the
Forum's periodic face-to-face meetings.
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