Hello all,
I have proposed a few changes to SSL handling in response to the debian openssl disaster. I also mentioned earlier that a way to limit CAs would be nice, giving quite hypothetical cases where it would be useful. With the recent Commodo verification failure and the MD5 weakness just disclosed, I see more very practical arguments for these sugesstions, as it is painfully obvious that we have to expect failures of CAs. I have rethought some of the ideas and would like to hear your opinion on the following:

I suggest an universal mechanism (integrated or as an extension) than can be fed rules about certificates, CAs and sites and showing warnings or interrupting connections where necessary. These rules could be updated independently. Mozilla could publish "official" rules and/or anyone could publish their own suggestions (like with adblock lists). In the default config, the mechanism might be completely invisible and just checking for updated rules (similar to updating the phishing blacklists etc.)

The rules would contain conditions (like "Any cert with this fingerprint anywhere in the chain", "Any cert has MD5 mechanism", "Certain CA involved AND NOT Domain matches *.example.com", "SHA1 of modulus matches ...") and actions (like "consider cert invalid", "display warning and let user confim to continue connection", "display small notice" etc.)

This should be relatively easy to do and not cause any problems. It would however allow to do following things:

The Commodo issue: All certificates issued by the affected RA (if it can be decided by ANY automatic means like a certain serial number range) could be caused to display either the normal SSL warning or a custom warning like "The security certificate of this connection is valid, however, the company that certifies the security of this connection has been found to have issued wrong certifications. Do not do anything important via this connection. For more info, click here". Such a mechanism could be used even if it would affect ALL of Commodo and would allow a very fine-grained response. This would work for everybody, if the rule was included in the mozilla official auto-updated ruleset.

With the MD5 problems that have occured, it could show a warning balloon like "this connection is secured using an old method. Although difficult, an attacker with enough ressources may be able to break the security. Do not proceed if this warning appears on the web page of a bank or other high-security application." This would work for inexperienced users, too, if the rule was included in the mozilla official auto-updated ruleset.

Anybody could make a list (and share it if he likes) of CAs he does trust fully and CAs he would like to know if they issued a cert securing his current connections. If someone does not fully trust a CA, but still doesn't want to disable it completely, this would be an option. (If I disable the trust bits, it would be hard to find out if I have a cert issued by that CA of a fake one using the name. Scenario: I might want to continue to accept Commodo certs but be warned about it because disabling them would be a too big issue but I do not fully trust them anymore.) If a user using this config would visit http://mozilla.com and the Cert was issued by one of the CAs he does not fully trust, he would get a warning and might get suspicious. This is for advanced users only.

Users and/or mozilla could restrict the validity of certificates by date, domain etc. For example there was a suggestion "Just change expiry time" (of the certs from the commodo case) - this would be possible easily. (for everybody via the auto-updated list.) My scenario that I would like to include the cert of my university but make it valid only for university sites would also be possible. (Individual, for experienced users)

Had this plugin existed during the debian disaster, the blacklist would be a simple thing to do. All it would take would be a simple ruleset to import, one person could compile it and everyone could use it afterwards with no real coding involved. (The code would be done ONCE and cleanly and well-integrated. Currently the debian weak key blacklist extension shows a warning but cannot interrupt the connection).

Even the often requested "ssh-style certificate lock-in" (showing a warning when a cert changes) would be possible: A rule could be added "if domain = example.com AND NOT cert fingerprint = ... display warning". I would, however, suggest a special interface for this to allow 1. easily setting up the lock-ins (right-click on lock symbol or something like that) and 2. display locked-in and new cert side-by-side highlighting changes. (If another, quite unknown CA issues a cert while the old one, from a well-known CA, is still valid, it would look suspicious to me, if the new cert is identical except for serial, validity date etc. and the old one was nearly expired, it is probably fine). This could keep online-banking etc. secure even if single CAs fail and issue bad certs (or have debian keys or MD5 signatures etc.).

This function would help both inexperienced ("what is ssl?") users and experienced users (from "I can install an extension" to "I can do SSL with nothing but pen and paper").


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