As the MD5 algorithm is obviously not secure anymore, MD5 signature support should be removed as soon as reasonably possible. Due to the high number of certificates currently around that would become invalid if MD5 was deactivated now, it is currently not realistic do do it immediately.

Instead, I would suggest announcing a fixed date at which MD5 signature support will be disabled in all mozilla products, regardless of how many certificates with such signatures will still be around at that time. This date should probably be something about 1 year + 2 months after the announcement to allow anyone who still issues MD5 certificates enough time to change that and then 1 year so most of the issued certificates are exchanged by new ones by then. For anybody who uses MD5-signed certificates with a validity >1 year, this would still be plenty of time to replace them.

Intermediate CA certificates with a long lifespan signed using the MD5 algorithm could be explicitly added to the cert store (and marked as trusted) until their expiration date. This way, only few users should be affected by the change.

In order to do a clean removal of MD5 in approximately one or two years without affecting many users, the announcement would have to be issued soon in order to give enough time for the old certs to expire. I think that not issuing such a final date could lead to many MD5 certs being issued (for example, by sub-CAs) and thus still in circulation whan MD5 will be broken even more, so a hurried removal of MD5 will then be unavoidable.


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