On 01/12/2009 02:56 PM, Rob Stradling:
I can't find the SecureTrust CA request for enabling EV. It's not on the
pending list, not on the included list, nor could I find bug for it...
anybody know where the paper trail is for this CA?


It's even on my CC's list...but I used search: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=SecureTrust

I think search is broken because it reports "Zarro Boogs found." :S
Or maybe the simple search only returns new and open bugs.

Just because VeriSign use Intermediates for EV, I don't think that means that
Mozilla should require CAs such as SecureTrust to do the same.

No, it's because Mozilla itself views this as the correct practice. I would go as far and require it, simple as that. That should be really an issue for the CAB forum however. BTW, my point wasn't *because* of Verisign, but *even* Verisign does it ;-)


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