I previously replied to this but my reply hasn't shown up here in the
newsgroup, apparently, so ...

On 2009-07-14 06:44 PDT, dmorford wrote:
>>> Is Firefox the program that you're trying to get to use AIAs and CDPs?
>>> Firefox does not do that yet, not even when it has NSS 3.12.
>>> Firefox 3 does not yet use this new feature.
> Any chance Firefox 3.5 supports AIA path processing and CDPs?  You wrote
> above that Firefox 3 does not.  I didn't see anything related in the 3.5
> release notes, but just wanted to see if it was put in.  If not, any idea
> when Firefox will support it?

FF 3.5.0 and FF 3.5.1 do not support fetching of certs from AIA extension
URIs, nor fetching of CRLs from CDP extension URIs.  The code to fetch
certs from AIA URIs is present, but Firefox has not yet put it into use.
The code to do CRL fetching is not yet present in FF 3.5.0 or 3.5.1, but
has been made available in a new version of NSS that is not yet being
used in FF 3.5.x.  I expect this will change before the end of 2009,
and CDP fetching will be put to use.  I expect that will happen sooner
than the fetching of certs from AIA URIs.
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