Eddy Nigg wrote:
Trying the different sub domain trick doesn't work on the same server
but different host and IP.

Let me phrase this explicitly :
- You use only one Apache instance


- You configured two virtual hosts inside that instance
   - either each virtual host listens on a different IP


We'll it may be so, but it'd be a little surprising.
It requires two "bug/feature" I think :
- a server that allows reusing the same SSL ID on a different virtual host. I can see how it could happen that the SSL ID pool is actually shared between all virtual servers, but it's still not very clean.

In any case it didn't solved the renegotiation. Either the NSS implementation is broken or mod_ssl does something surprising. Now, NSS works great with itself (as mod_nss and client), but what about the rest...

- a client that tries to reuse the SSL ID if the request goes to the a different host inside the same subdomain. Now that's harder to think of it as anything else than a quite ugly bug, but we'd have to live with it if it's the case

That would be the even bigger surprise.


Signer:  Eddy Nigg, StartCom Ltd.
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