On 2010-04-10 18:33 PST, Kurt Seifried wrote:
> So I logged in to a bank today and Certificate Patrol threw up a
> warning I haven't seen before (see attached image).

Kurt,  I suggest you try posting this again, without the image, but WITH
the certificate that caused Certificate Patrol to complain.  As it is,
there's no information in this posting with which anyone can help you.

> What is wrong with this you ask? Look at the dates on the
> certificates. When is 204/19/2010 exactly?
> So I downloaded the certificate and ran it through openssl, the text
> output looks ok, and it looks ok in Firefox's certificate screen. I
> can't find a way to contact certificate patrol to report a bug though:
> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/6415

So, it sounds like this is not a complaint about any Mozilla software,
e.g. Firefox or Thunderbird, but rather a complaint about an add-on named
Certificate Patrol (of which I'd never heard before reading your message).
If so, I suspect this mailing list/newsgroup is the wrong place for your
complaint.  The people who run the addons server don't participate in this

> This is the first time I have seen Certificate Patrol do this. If
> anyone knows how to contact them if you could forward this on I'd
> appreciate it, or let me know how to contact them that'd work to.
> CC'ing Joe Schiavo as well just in case the certificate is broken in a
> subtle manner (although as best I can tell it's ok).
> It might be a good idea to require some sort of contact info (i.e.
> email address) or a website with useful information for add-ons so
> people can get in contact with authors to report bugs/etc.
> -Kurt

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