On 03.06.2010 22:57, PDF3 SecureEmail wrote:
> I suspect that NSS is not supporting "sender key ID" yet/properly.

If you replace "sender key ID" by RecipientIdentifier, then that
statement is true, yes. (Note, however that the MSFT moderator mixes up
SignerIdentifier and RecipientIdentifier in his posts at
social.technet.microsoft.com, and also misrepresents facts about
Outlook's behavior when it comes to encoding the SignerIdentifier - it
always uses the "old" format for the *Signer*Identifier, and the
registry setting will only have an effect for the encoding of the

> I think Thunderbird needs this fixed...

Yes, this is actually what
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=559243 is about. Once that
patch lands, NSS (and somewhen in the future also Thunderbird) will be
able to successfully decrypt messages which reference the recipient's
cert by their key ID, *as long as* the respective cert really has a
subjectKeyIdentifier extension.

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