On 2010-11-24 09:32 PDT, passfree wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am developing a generic SSL pipe XPCOM component which can be used
> on any Input/Output stream pair. So far it sort of works but I am
> facing one problem and I am not sure how to deal with it. The problem
> arrises when a client connects to a server but refuses to continue
> because of certificate errors. Lets say that we have an input stream
> from a ServerSocket. 

You have a ServerSocket in Firefox?  Firefox does not initialize the
server components of libSSL, because it does not ever expect to behave
as a server.

> This input stream is wrapped with my SSL pipe
> component. If the client connects but refuses to continue, due to the
> SSL certificate is invalid for the current domain name, the code will
> fail with a crash within ssl3con.c, ssl3_HandleAlert function, on the
> following line:
>     if (level == alert_fatal) {
>       ss->sec.uncache(ss->sec.ci.sid);
> The reason it fails is because ss->sec.uncache is set to null, 0, i.e.
> nothing there to access.

That's an uninitialized (or incompletely initialized) socket.
Possibilities include:
- You've closed the socket, then continued to use it
- You initialized the socket as a client socket, then used it as a server
socket without initializing the server components.
- You initialized one PRSocket, then somehow switched to using another.
- You added SSL to the socket after the socket was connected, but then
didn't call SSL_ResetHandshake, or called it with the wrong argument values.

> The question is why is this happening and what I should do to fix the
> problem. Perhaps I need to init my ssl fd differently?

There's something wrong with the way your code is using libSSL.
Don't know what though.  Could be any one of many things.

> The obvious solution will be to add my own handler on that place but
> then shouldn't that be handled by NSS? I haven't seen example code
> which comes down to such hacks.

Right, that would be a hack, and it wouldn't help you.  You'd get a little
farther before you'd run into the next problem due to the socket's
uninitialized state.

/Nelson Bolyard
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