On 2011-07-26 13:30 PDT, Brian Smith wrote:
> Mozilla would like to expose a secure PRNG (basically, a wrapper around
> PK11_GenerateRandom) to JavaScript content: 
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=440046
> There is some agreement that we should maintain separate PRNG state for
> each origin (roughly: domain name), and that all those states should be
> separate from the PRNG state used internally. PK11_GenerateRandom
> currently shares the PRNG state across all callers. Does anybody
> disagree about this separation being necessary?


> If not, then we (Mozilla) would to change pk11wrap so that we can 
> control these separate PRNG states. (If this is really important, then 
> eventually this consideration for separate contexts will need to be 
> made for all APIs that use the PRNG that we plan to expose to 
> JavaScript, such as PK11_GenerateKeyPair.) However, I am not sure if 
> these separate states are really necessary;

I'm pretty certain they are not necessary.  There might be other reasons
to have multiple parallel DRBGs, such as parallel performance on
multi-core CPUs.

> if they were, then wouldn't it be better to maintain separate states
> for each SSL connection in libssl too?
> There was also some concern raised about preventing unnecessary 
> depletion of entropy, while still providing good randomness to the 
> calling JavaScript code. Suggestions for this would be much 
> appreciated. My current thought is that we should restrict the 
> JavaScript API such that a origin can only acquire a certain 
> (relatively small) quantity of output from the PRNG.

The current NIST-approved DRBG is claimed by NIST to not require
re-seeding until 2^48 (~256 trillion) requests have been fulfilled,
each requesting up to 2^16 bytes.  See  table 2, p. 34-45 of

> Thanks, Brian

/Nelson Bolyard
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