Gervase Markham wrote:
> On 04/01/12 00:59, Brian Smith wrote:
> > 5. libpkix has better AIA/CRL fetching: 5.a. libpkix can fetch
> > revocation information for every cert in a chain. The non-libpkix
> > validation cannot (right?). 5.b. libpkix can (in theory) fetch
> > using
> > LDAP in addition to HTTP. non-libpkix validation cannot.
> 5b) is not a significant advantage; everything CABForum is doing
> requires HTTP access to revocation information, as many SSL clients
> don't have LDAP capabilities.

That is true for Firefox, but the LDAP code might be(come) useful for 
Thunderbird. I don't know how well tested it is or even if it works, though.

- Brian
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