Mike Hommey wrote:
> > In the long run, for performance reasons, we should probably prefer
> > the system NSS libraries to our own, whenever the system NSS
> > libraries are available and are the right version, because at
> > least some of them are likely to already have been loaded into RAM
> > by other applications. It seems like this may avoid the types of
> > issues you are concerned about too.
> Except if we change the current trend, which is to use unreleased
> nspr/nss code in mozilla, there's no way this can be sustainable.

The system NSS libraries will no longer be the "right version" in that case.

We (NSS team) have agreed to make sure that Firefox *releases* will always be 
compatible with the latest NSPR and NSS release. Almost always, Firefox beta 
releases will have that property too. But, often -nightly and -aurora won't be 
compatible with the latest NSPR or NSS release, though they will usually be 
compatible with the NSPR and NSS CVS trunk. The current situation is in 
-nightly and -aurora is exceptional.

- Brian
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