Hi David.

First: Thank you (all) for your hard work on this.
Second: Sorry for any mistake, typo or pocahontas speak.

IMHO we NEED this, and Mozilla NEED it also.

In our case, we are currently using a Java applet to make digital
signature of documents in many formats (XMLDsig, XAdES, PAdES...)
using client certificates (RSA X509) stored on NSS/smartcard/CSP.
We are not using the Mozilla signText, cause its HORRIBLY user
unfriendly (showing unreadable text doesnt truly accomplish
contentCommitment), cant be used to sign "a bunch of documents", its
different from MSCAPI...among other things.

Of course, as your API only handles keys (and how to get them from an
smartcard is out of scope), IMHO theres a HUGE gap between your API
and the real world. There are, already, a lot of JS libraries to do
cryptographic operations, but is the lack of PKCS#11/NSS support which
make them useless.
In recent versions of the draft, you have added "19. Key Discovery",
and thats is, IMHO, the key of success.

I think you are going in the correct, but if you dont work on "how to
get the keys from the smartcard" or "how to sign 3 documents without
requiring PIN 3 times (if smartcard allow it)" [I already suggested
signInit-Add-Final methods based on PKCS#11 sign functions], we will
still need Java Applets.
And that sux.

Just my 0.02

> What Mozilla really need is a new PKI client, the current is useless,
> particularly for B2G (since PCs seem to be a lost case due to MSFT):

Altought im not yet convinced that Anders proposal for a new PKI
system its the final solution, probably because i lack needed skills,
i TOTALLY agree with him: i dont like the way to request a certificate
using Mozilla. Either genkey (where i cant control if they are
generated on my smartcard or nss, or the keysize they have...unless
messing with DOM :P)

> Since you asked about Web Crypto, my question remains: how does
> Web Crypto WG intend to deal with keys in NSS, CryptoAPI, "KeyChain"?

Again, IMHO, theres should be a way to request "in which smartcard"
you want to generate/use the key, using pkcs#11 module name, for
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