On 02/14/2013 03:19 PM, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
On Thu, February 14, 2013 11:55 am, John Dennis wrote:

Surely you're not suggesting that arbitrary web applications be able to
use JavaScript to swap out the crypto library used by the browser?

Absolutely not from JavaScript. But as a browser config sure.

This is purely in the context of a Javascript API intended for both web
applications AND extensions (or, in the case of B2G, B2G Apps). So there's
a wide spectrum of possible applications that may be developed or wish to
be developed.

For example, would a B2G SSH be possible? ConnectBot is quite popular on
Android - after all, AIUI, the NSS Android builds themselves rely on
having an SSH app installed on the phone (Kai, is that a correct

Were you perhaps talking about a new C API for high-level crypto, that
interops with multiple 'lower' level APIs

Yes that's where my thoughts were going. If high level Javascript as well as C/C++/Java/Python/Ruby etc. API's followed the same models, used the same terminology, names, and fundamental objects I think it would be a huge win.

It seems to me the current state of affairs is there is wealth of incompatible poorly written crypto API's across a range of languages and environments. Good API design is an art. Having a crypto guru write a crypto API for the masses is akin to asking a kernel developer to develop a friendly user interface, it's possible but not likely.

I think where I was going is if this effort could yield a simple, easy to use, easy to comprehend, easy to be secure API that serves 90% of the common use cases then I think it would have accomplished something we haven't achieved yet, and if so it can be a model to converge on. It would be something the whole software ecosystem would appreciate. I'd like to see a lot more focus on API design driven by usability requirements instead of driven by the underlying implementation.

A lot of effort has to go into developing abstractions while rigorously applying the simplicity test. I'm afraid committees have a poor track record in this regard FWIW. :-(

(if so, what APIs?). Arguably,
NSS is itself a 'pluggable' crypto - everything in pk11wrap and higher is
implemented in terms of PKCS#11 - that is, not directly talking to
softoken, but speaking to generic PKCS#11 modules and slots, which are a
standard abstraction for crypto modules/libraries.

Well, I think it might be a bit a stretch to call NSS pluggable, but I see where you're coming from. There is still a fair amount of ground not covered by PKCS11. I think one might be hard pressed to have a rich crypto environment while restricting yourself to only what's available via PKCS11, but your point is taken. Also PKCS11 is a bit long in the tooth by contemporary standards, but that's another topic.

John Dennis <jden...@redhat.com>

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