
I am developing a webapp that will handle very basic authentication using
client certificates.  A user will access a webpage and the server will
respond with a nonce (s-nonce).  The client will then generate a random
nonce (c-nonce) and compute and transmit the following back to the server:

Sign(SHA1(s-nonce || c-nonce)), SPKI

The SPKI is the signer's Subject Public Key Info.  The client will sign the
SHA1 with a private key that has an associated certificate.

I'm currently using NSS/XPIDL to expose the cryptographic functionality to
content JavaScript.  The NSS software that I've been using for computing
signatures is this:

secuPWData * pwdata = (secuPWData *) malloc(sizeof(secuPWData));

privk = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(myCert, pwdata);  //myCert is a
CERTCertificate *

PK11_Sign(privk, &signature, &hash);    //signature, hash are SECItem * and
have proper values at this point

This works correctly and will correctly verify if I perform:

PK11_Verify(pubk, &signature, &hash, NULL);  //pubk is the certificates
public key (SECKEYPublicKey *)

My issue arises after I've transmitted the signature and SPKI to the
server.  The signature is never successfully verified.  I'm using PyCrypto
server-side.  I've tried verifying the signature as an RSASSA-PSS signature
and also as an RSAPKCS#1_v1.5 signature and both fail.

This leads me to believe that the signature generated by PK11_Sign() is a
"textbook-RSA" signature.  I tried using my RSA key to perform RSASSA-PSS
(SGN_Digest(privk, SEC_OID_PKCS1_RSA_PSS_SIGNATURE, &signature, &hash);)
but this throws error 8152, namely that the key does not support the
signature scheme.

Does anyone definitively know if PK11_Sign actually computes textbook-RSA
signatures?  And does anyone know a way that I could generate PKCS#1v1.5
signatures using NSS, or potentially use it to generate an RSASSA-PSS key?
 I looked into using openSSL but it doesn't look like that type of key is

Thank you for any help that you can give me.
David Widen
BS, MSE in Computer Science 2013
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

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