
Thanks for your suggestions.

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Kurt Roeckx <k...@roeckx.be> wrote:

> I think we need to come up with a plan to improve security in the
> long run.  I think what we would like to see in general is:
> - Only SHA256 or better (and so TLS 1.2)

This is gated almost purely on servers actually switching to SHA-2 certs
and TLS 1.2. See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=942515, which
is related to this. I think it makes sense to revisit this after we figure
out exactly what we're doing with SHA-1-based certificates, because it
doesn't make sense to plan to go "SHA-2 only" until that happens. So, we're
talking about something after 2017. We (the Mozilla community) could help
coordinate a push for servers to upgrade, but there's not much actionable
we can do now, AFAICT, except for advocate for improvements by servers and
fixing any bugs that impair that switchover.

- Only 2048 bit public, 128 bit symmetric, 256 bit elliptic, or
>   better.

Approximately 1.5% of Fx26 full handshakes that use RSA certs use keys
smaller than 2048 bits. So, enforcing the 2048 bit limit is not going to be
a simple thing to do for a while, even though we want to do it soon. We can
enforce the 256 bit limit on ECC now though, because literally everybody
seems to be using the P-256 curve. (This actually makes me wonder if the
P-384 support even works, since not a single handshake in Firefox 26 used

I think that it is a good idea for us to advocate for server admins and
server software makers to do the things you suggest, but it is unlikely
that browsers will be able to force the issue on all those things by
limiting what they accept. Note that the server-side people at Mozilla have
put together some recommendations that could benefit from some review:

Mozilla Networking/Crypto/Security (Necko/NSS/PSM)
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