On 03/18/2017 02:36 AM, arequip...@gmail.com wrote:
I am trying to create a simple program that does some basic
management of an NSS database (add/update/remove) certificates, and
I'm having a terrible time finding documentation for even basic
stuff.  (E.g. how do I iterate through a CERTCertList?)

The best documentation on these is the NSS source code. In particular the source to the certutil command line utility.


Look for ListCerts on line 575.

It's also useful and instructive to search the code base for other references to the same types, often you'll discover a pattern or see some other tidbit that's useful.

The documentation on developer.mozilla.org seems *really*

I think many would agree.

Is there a better source somewhere that I'm missing?

Probably not, I think most developers using NSS learn it from studying either the NSS source or source code that uses NSS.

At one time there was better doc online but I think some of it has disappeared with various attempts to organize Mozilla developer doc.

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