Hello everyone.

I have a small research oriented project in which I have to add a custom 
similar to AES like cipher to the NSS which will later be used by the 
Thunderbird for TLS establishment. 

Can someone guide me the steps or bird eye view of how to accomplish this. At 
the moment I have added/defined my ciphers in the following files by doing my 
own limited research:

i. sslproto.h
ii. sslenum.c
iii. ssl3con.c
iv. ssl3ecc.c

the ciphersuite name is === TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_MYAES_128_GCM_SHA256

HEX number given to it  === OXC02A

however when I compile the following error comes in:
ssl3con.c(184): error C2078 too many initalizers
ssl3con.c(293): error C2065 cipher myaes_128_gcm : undeclared identifier

and alot more errors ...

If someone can give me an example or just some high level guidance for defining 
the custom CIPHER I will be very very thankful. 

ps: i know adding a custom cipher is not recommended and can cause security 
issues but its a research oriented project. NSS version is 
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