It looks like:
as well.  scanVal() strips off the \ leaving '#', ParseRFC1485AVA(),
seeing a leading '#' then wrongly concludes it is the hex encoded BER.

On Tue, 1 Oct 2019 at 16:27, Andrew Cagney <> wrote:
> CERT_AsciiToName() rejects both because the '=' and '#' appear
> un-escaped in the RHS per SPECIAL_CHAR() macro.
> It would appear that one of the changes from
> to
> was to drop this as a
> requirement:
>       - one of the characters '"', '+', ',', ';', '<', '>',  or '\'
>         (U+0022, U+002B, U+002C, U+003B, U+003C, U+003E, or U+005C,
>         respectively);
> It's mentioned in
>         + did not require escaping of equals sign ('=' U+003D)
>           characters,
>         + did not require escaping of non-leading number sign ('#'
>           U+0023) characters,
> It also seems to allow other even more weird stuff involving spacing,
> for instance:
>     CN = \  . \   , ... other stuff ...
> which I think is the C string "CN=\040\\\040\040.\040\\\040\040, ...."
> and with the CN set to "\040\040.\040\040".
> Andrew
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