On 05/29/2012 03:26 AM, Gervase Markham wrote:
On 28/05/12 17:25, Anant Narayanan wrote:
Here is my proposal: we extend the manifest (if it doesn't do this
already) to clearly distinguish between free and paid apps. We then
update the spec to say that install_allowed_from is only honoured for
paid apps, as part of the mechanism to make sure the right person gets

We cannot do this unless we change the whole architecture of how apps
are installed.


1) Having an extra mandatory parameter in a manifest with the value
    "paid" or "free"; and
2) not honouring "install_allowed_from" for apps marked "free"

would require changing the entire installation architecture? I can't see

Because users are unable to see either the origin (domain name) or the app's website at the time of install. The store is the last point at which a user makes a install-or-no decision.

Try and install an app from the Mozilla Marketplace,

I can't; you don't support Linux. You won't even let me try the app out
in the browser, because you have some JS which prevents me. :-(

In that case, try installing an app from https://apps.mozillalabs.com/appdir/ and then looking at your apps dashboard at https://myapps.mozillalabs.com/

Your phrasing comes off as hostile, I would have greatly preferred if you had used the term "we" instead of "you". We, Mozilla, are all in this together.

you'll see that there is no interaction between the user and the app
developer until after they've installed and run the app. The developer
is trusting the Marketplace to correctly represent their app, which is
why they chose to list there.

I can't see the connection between this point and my suggestion. Perhaps
I didn't explain my proposal well enough; see above for another attempt.

Perhaps I didn't explain myself well enough either, simply adding a field to the manifest is not sufficient. When you install "Favimon" for example, from our appdir I linked above - you are relying entirely on the appdir to make the decision to install the app.

Unlike a link, app installs are immediate, and done in the context of the page that triggered the install. The user has not had a chance to interact either with Favimon or its developer, and does not know what domain Favimon is hosted at until the app is launched.

This is very much relevant to installs_allowed_from, because developers (of free and paid apps) may want to restrict their app from being listed everywhere because they only trust certain stores to faithfully represent their app.

This is not a problem with hyperlinks, because irrespective of what the page linking to something says about that link, the user will ultimately land at the thing the link points to. But app installs are not hyperlinks.

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