It's also probably worth mentioning that this concern only comes about for point #4 (or if we use the branch name gh-pages in point #1).

Josh Elser wrote:
The one concern I had was regarding automatic rendering of what would
look like "the Apache Accumulo website" on Github (both apache/accumulo
github account and other forks).

Christopher had said that no one seemed to object in comdev@ when he
talked about this a while back. I wanted to make sure everyone
considered this (for example, Christopher's fork of Drill's repository
now also looks like a canonical host of the Apache Drill project). I'm
not actively stating that I think it's an issue at this point, only
suggesting that we give it some thought and maybe ask someone who is
more knowledgable (Shane from trademarks?) before moving forward. The
worst case I envision is that we find some way to "gimp" the
github-rendered site (redirect back to the canonical
or similar).

Christopher wrote:
I got some information back from INFRA about how the git-based sites
It's just plain old static hosting of a git branch. So, whatever we'd put
in a specified branch would show up directly on the site, no rendering or
generation. This would completely bypass CMS and buildbot staging builds.

Was discussing this with elserj in IRC, and these ideas came out of that:

1. Switch site to use git branch named "site" or "website" or similar.
2. Use jekyll 3 to generate the static site contents in this git branch.
3. Store the unrendered (markdown) jekyll stuff in a gh-pages branch.
4. Possibly set up a post-commit hook on gh-pages branch to render
and commit the generated static site to the "site" branch.

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