Re #1: You don't actually need to do this unless you've disallowed anonymous connections to Zookeeper. Anonymous access to ZK is sufficient for Accumulo clients.

Have you made any effort to find existing code in the Accumulo repository? For example [1].

The KerberosToken is nothing other than a thin object which is ultimately stating that Kerberos credentials are intended to be used for authentication. Accumulo provides no API for the acquisition or local storage of those credentials -- thus, it's not suitable that Accumulo provides API to do this.


On 10/27/17 1:58 PM, Jorge Machado wrote:
So how is the best way to Get an accumulo connector if the cluster is 
kerberized ?
I have done the following:
1- add a jaas.conf for zookeeper
2 create an instance (that logs in via sasl into zookeeper)
3- generate an AuthToken from KerberosToken class which logs the user in the 
ugi in but keeps the object on KerberosToken class
3 UserGroupInformation.loginwithkeythat(...,...) - this is needed because the 
thrift Client server just get’s the user from ugi but it is not there(because 
KerberosToken keeps the state)
4 - get the connector and passing the token

Would be nicer that we let the state on the ugi instead of the KerberosToken

We could create a public method from KerberosToken that logs the user in via 
what you mean with side effects ?

Jorge Machado<>

Am 27.10.2017 um 18:31 schrieb Josh Elser 

Nearly all components in the Hadoop ecosystem require you to perform a login 
with your credentials when writing Java code.

The only exception I'm aware of is ZooKeeper which can automatically perform a 
login via JAAS.

Supporting automatic login via JAAS would be the best path forward here. 
Creating unique side-effects around security credentials in Accumulo is a bad 
idea (which is why the method you're referring to on KerberosToken was marked 
as Deprecated so that we eventually remove it).

On 10/27/17 12:06 PM, Jorge Machado wrote:
Hi Guys,
I just started developing a Accumulo Client with Kerberos and sasl. It was a 
hell to figure out that you need to call yourself  
UserGroupInformation.loginfromkeytab(principal,keytab) and then you can call
  KerberosToken(principal,keytab) this all because we deprecated the 
replaceuser from the ugi. Later on when we get the connector this breaks apart 
mainly because for example my keytab is has not the same user as the os account 
where I’m developing.
It would be nice to just login the user. What are the are you guys thinking 
about this ?

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