
AFAIK, this wouldn't have to be anything more than build changes. "Dropping hadoop2 support" wouldn't need to include any other changes (as adding H3 support didn't require any Java changes). Getting in front of the ball to help push people towards newer versions would be a welcome change.

On 2/27/18 10:42 AM, Sean Busbey wrote:
Let's get the discussion started early on when we'll drop hadoop 2 support.

As of ACCUMULO-4826 we are poised to have Hadoop 2 and Hadoop 3 supported in 
1.y releases as of 1.9.0. That gives an upgrade path so that folks won't have 
to upgrade both Hadoop and Accumulo at the same time.

How about Accumulo 2.0.0 requires Hadoop 3?

If there's a compelling reason for our users to stay on Hadoop 2.y releases, we 
can keep making Accumulo 1.y releases. Due to the shift away from maintenance 
releases in Hadoop we'll need to get more aggressive in adopting minor releases.

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